孙笑迪/xiaodi sun 


不以构图为设计方式/beyond compostion

合作者/collaborator: 韩婧/jing han
耶鲁大学设计训练/yale university school of architecture
指导老师/studio critic: 彼得 · 艾森曼/peter eisenman

task: to design a library at piazza dei cinquecento in front of rome’s termini station   



approach and objectives:
As of today, Piazza dei Cinquecento is a piece of chaotic urban space. Throughout the history of time, a variety of built forms have taken place on or near the site, each bringing in a different story related to their own goal about planning or political visions. These waves of changes have shaped the site into what is Piazza dei Cinquecento today.

The project aims to turn the unstructured piazza between the termini station and the Baths of Diocletian into an urban space that is aggregated with multiple organizational logics related to what happened in history. Through the operations of mirroring, framing, figuring, urban carving and urban infilling, the proposal addresses the monuments’ inherent autonomy as well as their conflicts with the surrounding context.

The re-structured piazza becomes a place rich in various readings of urban figures and frames. This project is an addition and a connection, a fragment itself but a full embrace of the past and the present.

场地现状/existing condition:

历史分析/a study of area history:


© 2022 xiaodi sun