孙笑迪/xiaodi sun 


边界状态: 重新思考科尼岛的用地结构/edge conditions: rethinking the land use of coney island

合作者/collaborator: constance vale
耶鲁大学设计训练/yale university school of architecture
指导老师/studio critic: jennifer leung

task: to reform the programatic, architectural, infrastructual, and geographical conditions of coney island, so that it will have the capacity to deal with threats from natural disasters


approach & objectives:
The project looks at the conditions of Coney Island in particular with potential water-rising threats.
In the proposed plan, the natural and the man-made are constantly superimposing and negotiating with each other, making the built landscape a mechanism that is capable to deal with potential flooding in the future. Across the different zoning areas, a variety of architectual and infastructual strategies were used to catch, channel, or defense against water in correspondence with different programs.


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